瀧井 瞬天賞本醸造Nakayu ShuzotenMiyagi12/12/2021, 12:07:22 PM郷土酒亭 元祖 炉ばた17瀧井 瞬We had this at the original Robata restaurant. The first sip was served warm, and it was the most pleasant and relaxing experience I've ever had. Even at room temperature, it is not that peculiar and can be enjoyed easily.Japanese>English
日本酒飲む男天賞本醸造 熱燗Nakayu ShuzotenMiyagi11/18/2021, 9:53:10 AM11/18/2021郷土酒亭 元祖 炉ばた13日本酒飲む男It is easy to drink without the strength peculiar to hot sake. It is easy to drink because it is not too hot.Japanese>English
日本酒飲む男天賞生貯蔵Nakayu ShuzotenMiyagi11/18/2021, 9:51:17 AM11/18/2021郷土酒亭 元祖 炉ばた12日本酒飲む男It's refreshing. A hint of brewed alcohol.Japanese>English