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pyonpyon@Kosaka Sake Alternatives Very stylish izakaya: ❤️ Beer is 200 yen until 7pm which is great 💮. All the food was delicious 🎵 I want another bishakatsu and smoked oysters so bad ‼️ I asked for Kamo Kanehide to be heated because it was cold, but they only had a little bit left, so I got half off the price and enjoyed a sip 🎵But it was like a delicious white water that you can drink easily and not get stuck ✨It ran out quickly 💦The craft gin was delicious too 😃.
ポンちゃんGood evening, pyonpyon 🦉. You enjoyed your alcoholic beverages at a great price 😁👍. I've never heard of bisiyakatu 😳 sounds very tasty, what kind of dish is it?
pyonpyonPon-chan Good evening ❤️ Beef cutlet with plenty of sauce poured over it and dipped in it, so it's bishakatsu - it seems to be supervised by Nikko restaurant ❗ so it was delicious 😋🍴💕Little sake but there was soba to finish it off 👍️
Masaaki SapporoGood evening, pyonpyon! The food looks solid, but 200 yen for beer until 7pm is a very conscientious restaurant ✨I've never heard of bishakatsu, but it's bifukatsu 😋 and the oysters look delicious too 😋.
pyonpyonThank you again, MasaakiSapporo ✨Thank you for the cafe-like atmosphere, but the food was authentic and delicious ❤️The beef cutlet with tender meat was great 💮I wish there were more varieties of sake 👍️💕!
さけランChoochoo! You almost showed your face 💦(are you okay?) I'm fine 💧) Good morning, pyon2 🌅. But how do you find these stores every time? Is it not Kansai Walker, but meets?
pyonpyonGood morning, Mr. Sakeran 🌞Ehh 😅I don't think you know who I am at all 😅I always search for soba or kawachi duck - ❤️ and you will almost certainly find a good place that also has sake 😋.