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宮寒梅純米吟醸 Winter Time 活性にごり生酒純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
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桜本商店 円山
Masaaki Sapporo
9 points (Wife: 8.5 points) Rice:Miyamanishiki (Miyagi Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 15 Sake meter: -5 Acidity: 1.4 Yeast: Not disclosed Sold at: Sakuramoto Shoten Maruyama Store (Chuo-ku, Sapporo) Shu when opened A little gassy Melon-like top-end with a hint of alcohol The same fruity aroma as the first sip, the aroma of rice malt, the soft sweetness and umami spread out with a citrus-like thin acidity, and the characteristic slight bitterness, which is quickly quenched while retaining the sweetness and umami of the rice. It is gently balanced, gassy, refreshing, and deeply delicious. The aroma and sweetness are not strong, so it goes well with meals and is of course delicious on its own. On the second day, the alcohol feeling of the first day is gone, and the aroma is like melon yogurt, still delicious. It went well with the Kiritanpo hot pot we received as a year-end gift. It also went well with homemade Bolognese and Hakita mozzarella cheese.
Good morning, Masaaki Sapporo 😀 I like the way the sake looks in the photo, it fits the scenery well 😀. Looking at the white snow and having a nabe with a good amount of fruity sake mixed with powdery snow in a bottle ❤️
Masaaki Sapporo
Thank you, Yasbay! So far, there is not much snow in Sapporo, but it's just right for walking around to take pictures 😁.
Hi Masaaki Sapporo 😃 This is the one I've been wanting to drink since last year 🤗. I really like it! The white 🤍 is beautiful 🥹I can hear the song 🎵 "Winter Time" 😌I don't know 😆.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thank you Jay & Nobby for everything! It was delicious and we hope 👍Miyakanume, I'd like to drink some of the others 🍶.