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Rafa papaRafa papa
Hoshiizumi協会8酵母 無濾過生原酒 うすにごり原酒生酒無濾過
Hoshiizumi Check-in 1Hoshiizumi Check-in 2
Hoshiizumi Check-in 3Hoshiizumi Check-in 4
Rafa papa
Hoshizumi Kyokai 8 yeast, light nigori Purchased at Noboru Sake Shop at the Nara Off-line meeting I got in on it when I saw 🐰🐰, the host of Nara Off-line meeting, buy it 😅. I got in on the fun 😅. The concept was "I want people to feel the characteristics of yeast". The concept is "I want you to feel the characteristics of the yeast" 😅. Using the same raw rice Use unique traditional yeast Ginjo-zukuri" to bring out the characteristics of the yeast Pursuit of clear aroma and taste Delicious... 🤤. Sourness is very characteristic and addictive... Both acidity and sweetness are very assertive 😤. And yet they complement each other 😌. It's like drinking a high quality lactic acid drink! Lightly sparkling, slightly cloudy and refreshing ✨. Rabbit🐰, it was delicious 😋.
Rafa, good morning ☀Hoshizumi, I bought and drank it at takeshon sake store and it was delicious 👍I remember mine was also sweet and sour 😆.
Hello Rafa 😃 Oh, Rafa-san is drinking Hoshisen 😁 I'm so happy 😆. I hope there will be more Hoshisen fans in Kansai and more stores where you can buy it 🥺.
Rafa papa
Hello Manachie 😃 This is my first time to drink Hoshisen 😊 it's delicious 😋 it's rich in sweetness and sourness but it tastes so refreshing that I can drink as much as I want 🤣 I would like to try other yeasts too 🤣.
Rafa papa
Hello bouken😃 I actually didn't know about Hoshisen 😅I got on board when I saw Usagi 🐰 buy it 🤣I was right to get on board ✅bouken, Nemuchi and I decided to get on board with the sake that Usagi 🐰 buys 🤣.
Good evening, Rafa papa! Hoshisen is delicious, isn't it? I've been wanting to drink it for a while 🤤. I'll buy some next time I go to Noboribetsu 👛.
Good evening, Rafa 🌙 Looks like you were right about the same as Rabbit🐰😆👍I'll have a drink too if I come across it somewhere: ❣️
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Hissan 😃 I'm so jealous 😳 You drink a lot of hoshisen 🤣 I've never had it before but it's a delicious drink 😋Tou-san was the first time I went there and they had a wide variety of drinks to choose from 😊.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Ponchan 😃. It was a great decision to get on the flight 🤣✌️ I would like to try other yeast drinks 😊I highly recommend it...the rabbit 🐰😅
Good evening Rafa 😊. I didn't know about Hoshisen either 😝. I go to Noboru-san every now and then, but mostly to buy Nara sake, so I don't pay much attention to it at all 🤣I guess it's fun to go there with someone else instead of alone 😁.
Rafa papa
Hi Masha 😃 I'm almost always sure of a drink that I don't know and someone recommended 🤣It's fun to go to a liquor store with different people and meet new drinks 😌.