SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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On July 6, I returned home after a night shift and was told by my family that we were going to have a takoyaki party, also known as "takopa," at night. My father was already prepared and ready to drink, so I decided to drink with a heavy heart 😵. When my dad went on a trip to Fukuoka the other day, I asked him for a bottle of "Yuma" and he got me one too, so I opened the bottle and had a drink with anticipation 🍶. Shichiyou White Label The brewer of "Yuma", Shichiyou Shuzo, newly released a fire-brewed sake, this time served in a sake cup 😁. The aroma of rice with a hint of umami, the mouthfeel is quiet with a quiet umami taste, and then it quickly finishes with a pleasant aftertaste and a refreshing sweet aftertaste. The light and refreshing umami and sweetness that you don't feel the 15° flavor is so characteristic that you can't help but drink more and more! My father prefers a heavier flavor such as Yamahai brewing, so he said it was too light (not enough). I liked the sweetness that accelerated in the aftertaste and would like to drink it again ✨.
Hi Gyve, good evening. I see that you had a taco party after a night shift 😲. Thank you for your hard work. I'm sure your father was looking forward to a drink with you too 🎵You have a good relationship ✨. I wish I could meet you.
Good morning, Jive 😃. Yuma's Sake Brewery's seven days, it's very rare here 😳 I've never seen it before! I guess it's like a little late Han-Natsukasai in Tacopa 🐙. I wish I could go to Kyushu to drink Shichiyou too: ☺️
Hi Jive 🐦. I'm curious to hear about the Yuma brewery 〰😁 and it sounds like it has a different taste! You got a nice souvenir 😉.
Hi Jive, good evening 😃. All the way to 🐙Tacopa🌕 after a night shift 😳If your dad is waiting for you, you'll do great 😄 but you're young👍I'd go to sleep with a crispy afterglow😴.
Hi ma-ki-! I was not awake the whole time because the price dropped for about 30 minutes during the trip, but I managed to stay awake 😁. [I can only buy the sake from Shichiyou Sake Brewery at Sumiyoshi Shuppan in Fukuoka, but I highly recommend it!
Hi Aladdin! Of course you can't get it in Fukui either, so I begged my dad who was just going on a trip 😁. I heard that this one is more popular now than "Yuma" and it was the last one left on the sales floor!
Hi, Pon-chan! I thought it had a more robust flavor than Yuma 😁. I later checked the official website and saw that it is recommended to be heated 💦.
Hi Jay & Nobby! I've had to work the night shift and go straight from the day shift to drinking parties during the past busy season from work, so I think my autonomic nervous system has completely collapsed 🤣. I will take a good rest when I can 😴.