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Akabu Check-in 1
Akabu Check-in 2Akabu Check-in 3
I've seen the Uma Musume movie 🎠. The moment I finished the movie, I almost ran home even though I drove here: 🏃‍♂️ It's a movie that makes you want to run that much 🤣 I saw it in 4DX and the racing scene was so shaky it was too much 🫨I highly recommend 4DX to anyone who is going to see this movie🤣. Muscat aroma, a bit of basil-like herbal aroma at the back of the aroma. The attack has a refreshing pineapple acidity. Then sweetness like mango juice and pineapple bitterness. After swallowing, the sweetness sticks to the tongue. It is a tropical juice 🍹. Even a child of about 10 years old can drink it 👶The drink is available for 10 years old and up‼️Half Adult 💁‍♂️ It seems pretty sweet just by raising the temperature a little bit. I'm not sure if it's a good idea for people who like sweet. I would recommend it to pretty ladies who say "I can't drink alcohol at all! I think it's a stand-alone drink because it usually loses out when paired with snacks. At any rate, it was too sweet juice for me 😭 The third image is a highball from Kiuchi Shuzo, a whiskey distillery built in Ishioka City, Ibaraki Prefecture ‼️ It's pretty expensive if you buy it by the bottle, but this one was only a little over 400 yen so I gave it a try 😆. It's so good😍.
I can't drink at all. I drink a lot 🤣.
⭐︎ Good morning, Mr. Manachy. Mr. Akabu, your label is evolving! Low al + sweet. My wife will be pleased. It seems a bit harsh for me, though.
Manachie Good morning ☂️ UmaMusume makes me want to run ❓❓It does 😊. However, I didn't know Uma Musume🐎 would be such a hit ⁉️ Mr. Fujita is a great horse owner 😁🏇🏇🏇.
Good morning, Mr. Manachy 🤲. Was there a PTA scene ⁉️ Kiuchi finally released malt whisky, I want to buy some but I haven't digested all the whisky in stock yet, so I'll have to pass on it 🤣.
Hi Ane😃I haven't seen any woman drink more than Ane so far🤣so don't ever drink this drink🤣‼️
Hi Duke 😃Oh, your wife can't drink it, she's an ugh type of person 🤣 then please go ahead... it's a juice 🍹.
Hi kan 🐎I think about half of the people who see this movie will run home 🤔. Mr. Fujita is a great guy and he is contributing to the mahjong world 😆.
Rigel, unfortunately there are no panties in Uma Musume 😭 instead there was a swimsuit scene 👙❤️ you can send me the stock 🤣