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HijiriHizirizum ひとめぼれ35&50純米大吟醸原酒水酛
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Hizirizum Hitomebore 35&50 SAVAGE Namaishige Junmai Daiginjyo Genshu 100% Hitomebore produced in Gunma Prefecture Polishing ratio 50% for Kake rice, 35% for Koji rice Alcohol content 15%. Sake meter degree -5, Acidity 1.7 (reference) Fat: Opened on August 4 and bottled on September 6 The aroma is gorgeous after opening the bottle! It smells like a mild version of Hanahayo. I thought it would be mildly sweet 🤔 but when I put it in my mouth, contrary to my expectation, it was slightly sweet and had a young melon with a light sourness 😅It didn't leave any aftertaste, it was more like a refreshing taste. The Saint is delicious😍. I'm totally hooked! Yum! I got heat stroke at work in late August 🥵I thought I had recovered after first aid at the time, but I was busy with work and pushed myself for 2 days and was down for 5 days with a weird headache and intense fatigue 😭I'm still dragging a little 💦 heat stroke is really scary😱 please be careful too!
Hello, Koizo 😃. That was a tough time 😖Hongshu still needs to be careful of heat stroke. The incidence in autumn is also increasing year by year, so we need to be careful. I sincerely hope that you will be back to full health soon 😌Sorry, I would like to drink it 🤤.
Hi, kozo! Hijirizumu from Sei Shuzo ✨the guessed brand from the guessed brewery 😁. I love the sweet sin with a clean aftertaste ✨! The location of the brewery is great too - makes me want to go to Shibukawa, Gunma ‼️
Hello, Koizo🐦. Heat stroke🥵5 days was hard for you😰Please do not overdo it until you are fully healed🙏. Saint, refreshing melon🍈? It looks really delicious! I'm jealous ✨ as we don't have this drink near me.
Hello, kozo 😃. I'm sorry to hear about your heat stroke 🥵It was a tough one 😫I knew I shouldn't be overconfident 😓We still have hot days ahead so please be careful 😌Sorry to hear about your heat stroke 😙
Mr. Noodle Drink King Good morning! It's still going to be hot, so you really need to be careful 💦 My doctor told me to be careful because I had heat stroke for the first time and it can kill you 😱Saint! I recommend it 🤩.
Asanami. Good morning ♪ Otsu! Asanami-san is also a Saint guesser 😍There are many rare and delicious sake, but I am quite happy to have come across this one 😍The Saint's brewery! I'd like to go there.
Pon. Good morning! The symptoms of heat stroke seem to be a little different, mine came with intense fatigue, headache, and my gut (intestines) 😥 still uncomfortable... I haven't taken a number of saints yet, but none of them have been a bust 👍.
Jay & Nobby. Good morning... I think there may have been a part of me that thought I was ok 💦 I hydrated before I went to work, but it still seems to have been affected by the surgery 😅Welcome to the heat of the Holy 👍.