SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Denshu特別純米酒 生 2023 新酒
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[A day to work on sake activities] in [SHIMA & coffee & sakes] ☕🍶. After comparing the different types of sake from the Hana-no-Kou Sake Brewery, we had the last one from SHIMA ☕🍶. Tasake Tokubetsu Junmai Nama 2023 Shinshu. Aomori-esque apple-like aroma with a hint of woodiness, juicy sweetness and umami on the palate, followed by a refreshingly gentle sweet aftertaste with an apple-like acidity. The sweetness is more refreshing than the "Toyobai" that I drank the other day, and it is a dangerous bottle that can be drunk smoothly without making you feel that it is 16 degrees Celsius. After being satisfied with the sake, we finished off with a coffee that only SHIMA can offer ☕ today's Brundi ☕! The slightly bitter bitter chocolate-like richness is perfect for sobering up 💡. When paying the bill, a donation box was placed at the end of the counter. We left SHIMA with great satisfaction, but in fact, our sake activities are far from over 💦.
Good evening, Gyve 😃. A day of working on my drinking activities! It was a good day with a good drink followed by a coffee ☕️ and a good day to end it with a coffee ...... is still going on 😆 That's what I'm talking about 👍.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌛. I thought I've had enough of this after the closing coffee, but as a result, I'm still in the first half 💦. I was only a little tipsy from start to finish, probably because I had it with a glass of water, which is 90ml, half of a cup of sake 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Gyve 🌙. Will you still be drinking? It's a great day to work on your booze, great store & drink lineup ✨I'm still a coffee lover 😊👍I've never had Burundi, so I'm curious: ❣️
Good morning Pon, good morning ☀☀☀. I've had a lot more to drink as a result, so stay tuned for future posts 😁. If it were within walking distance, I'd definitely go in 🤣. The balance of bitterness and richness is quite delicious 😋.