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GaryubaiKEG DRAFT Sparkling Clear発泡
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parking 北浜発酵所
Today, I went to PARKING Kitahama Fermentation, which was told to me by Mr. Jaive, from the opening. When it opened, it seemed to be a lunch-only restaurant, and I think I was a little out of place because I was alone in a sake drinking contest while everyone else was having lunch 🤣. The first glass of KEG DRAFT was Garyubai KEG DRAFT Sparkling Clear by Sanwa Shuzo. I will have it immediately. First, the aroma. It has a fresh sweet aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it has a fresh taste. The sweetness is also very nice. The middle part of the sake has a traditional sake taste, but the aftertaste of sweetness is not too sweet.
Good morning, ma-ki-san🌞. I've never seen so many KEGs in a store. I'd like to try it when I go to Osaka.
Thank you for your comment, Matsuchiyo. I was also in Osaka but didn't know about it until you told me about it 🎵. The atmosphere of the restaurant was very nice, so please give it a try when you come to Osaka 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki 😃. I see you are making use of the information on Sakewa 🤗Nice👍. Sake comparison in the middle of a holiday lunch 😆 a pretty good experience 😊 we would like to experience KEG too!
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your comments. Yes, it's so nice to know about KEG and to be able to experience it so soon, it's a variety of sakes ✨. Jay & Nobby, if you get a chance, please give it a try 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki-san 🌛. I'm sorry to hear that you went to PARKING Kitahama Hakkesho earlier 😁. I've been recommending this place, but I haven't been there myself yet, but it's a fascinating lineup ✨. I'll have to go there soon ✨
Thank you for your comment, Gyve. Oh my, Gyve, you had never been there yet 😲. And yet you know it. ⤴️ Holy crap, it was a really good restaurant! I hope you will too❗.