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Scoring☆☆☆☆ Summer hikuma❣️ In Akita city, bears🐻 (not brown bears, of course, but black bears) have been frequently seen in residential areas in the city since last year😱. Recently, a man who went to pick wild vegetables was attacked and killed 😰. I'm scared 💦. So drink up your higuma 😆👍👍 I drank it with a feeling of "I'm going to be a good person, Hmm? It's good 😋. Fresh aroma of apple🍎 ❣️ It is a dry and refreshing sake that is typical of Hokkaido sake, but it also has surprisingly good flavor😍. I heard that this brewery has been improving the quality of their sake by updating their facilities. By Sake Shop Owner Light on the palate, but with a well-balanced taste, it can be enjoyed not only during a meal, but also on its own 💕. There was a festival going on at a nearby Iwate-headquartered barbecue restaurant, and I had Morioka cold noodles for the first time in a long time! It's good. 💕︎😋 Perfect for the hot weather!
Good evening, T.KISO 🌃 The Chitose Tsuru I used to drink was classic, so I'm surprised at the changes in recent years 😳The Fuyu Higuma Usu-nigorigo was also delicious 😋.
Good evening, T.KISO 😃. I had winter hikuma for outside drinking 😋 but there are summer hikuma🐻 too 🤗 looks delicious! Morioka cold noodles also looks delicious 😋 but personally I don't want watermelon🍉 in it😅.
Good evening, T.KISO🦉. I imagined it looks very healthy from the name, but it is a delicious summer sake 😊Chitosekuru is only for outside drinking, so I want to drink up 🐻 at home to prevent 🐻 😆.
Good evening, bouken😄 With the renewal of the equipment, did they also renew the taste 🤔❣️ I'm a sucker for a good sake, so I'd like to try some of the others 😋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby😄. Bears are more active in 🐻summer 🐻. I'm also interested in winter hikuma 🥺. For cold noodles, watermelon is the standard, but in winter it would be apple or pear, but since the purpose seems to be to refresh the palate, fruit is a must ⁉️🤣
Good evening, Pon-chan😄. It's not an acidity-driven summer sake, it's a refreshing sake with a delicious flavor: ❣️ Drink at home for the safety of your family, and drink bear🧸😁😁.