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August finally here: ‼️ Finally, I can buy 20,000 yen worth of sake😘. Today I finished work longer than expected, so I went straight to Yoshidaya which is open until 9pm 🚗💨💨💨I had to buy carefully even though it's 20,000 yen worth 💦After looking around, I decided to buy Ryujin Aizan 2420 yen ‼️ and another bottle and went home w/o Ryujin Aizan for now, 17580 yen left after deducting the rest. I decided to buy one more bottle and went home. ☺️ And finally, after submitting an application to my wife for a drink with my best friend since April, I got permission to go in late September 🤣👍bach I'm so glad I passed the screening process, which was tougher than the lottery for Horiichi 😭. Then we'll open the bottle: ‼️ The aroma is fruity and the ginjo aroma is nice 👍The taste is white grape as described❓No, I don't understand white grape, but it seems grapey to me 😋. Good purchase!
Hi Masa, good evening 🌙 Next up is a drinking party 😳It's kind of a ton of fun 😆 and I can buy a lot of alcohol👍. I would like to drink Ryujin as it has been open for a long time!
Good evening, Pon! I finally got a permit, but for now 😅I don't know how many bottles I can buy with the rest of my money, but I want to buy a lot 😆 Ryujin was really good, sweet and tasty as always 👍.
Masa. Good morning ♪ Congratulations on the approval of your application for a drinking party 😁In my case, my wife has a girls' night out with her best friend once a month, so it's easy to go out for a drink around that time 👍I'd like to try drinking Ryujin, but I can't seem to find it....
Hi Masa 😃 It looks like a fun and mature shopping experience! Use it well 🤗. And I'm glad you passed the tough screening 😰 🥳 You might want to get a certificate signed ✍️ just in case 😆.
Good morning, Kozo-san😄Thank you so much! Thank you very much 😊What a great idea to be able to go out for a drink once a month ‼️ I envy you www. Ryujin is the same brewery as Ozeyuki, so it is sweet and delicious 🤗If you see it, please visit 👍
Good morning, Jay & Nobby😄. It's great to be able to shop as you like 🤣 my wife's screening process is really strict 💦 so it's a good move to get her to sign a certificate ‼️ I'll get her to write one right away on the web.