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Kinpo Shizenshu生酛にごり酒
nigorigo (nigorigo nishidashi) On this day, I was in Odawara for the first time in a while. We went to two liquor stores we checked on the Internet and bought two bottles at each. and bought 2 bottles at each. After that, we went shopping We went to Odawara shopping center. My wife wanted to see 🌸. After shopping and eating ramen noodles, weeping cherry blossoms at Changxingzan Shoutaiji Temple. We parked the car in the temple parking lot, We parked the car in the parking lot of the temple and started walking toward the weeping cherry blossoms. We climbed up quite a few stairs to get deep into the mountain. It was a bit hard for my wife who has knee pain, It was a bit hard for my wife who has knee pain 😁. It was worth the effort, they are so beautiful ✨. We returned to the car and headed back to Hakone. 🌸 blooming along the river near Gora station. We took a walk with Fuku and waited for the lights to come up. I wanted to wait until it got a little darker, I wanted to wait a little longer, but it was too late for the return trip 🥲. I bought this bottle at a liquor store in Odawara. I was thinking of drinking a sake from Kanagawa, I wanted to try Shizen Shuga😱. The nigori I was attracted to because of its appearance was ras1. I drank the top clear. It tastes a little sweet and clean. When I mixed the ori The taste is a little bit sweet and refreshing. It tastes a little sour, but my wife thought it was delicious. My wife also said it was delicious. After drinking all the Ten Frog on the 12th, I drank the remaining 2 gongs 😁.
Good evening, Manta🦉. What a magnificent cherry tree! It looks delicious with more than half 😳full of lees 😳I'm curious about it since it's a brand I haven't tasted yet ❣️
Manta-san konban-ha(o´ω`o)no~~ Beautiful cherry blossoms at night ✨(ღv)🌸 It's suddenly so hot and in full bloom that I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it in time to see the cherry blossoms 💦. I'm attracted to the last one....
Pon-chan, good evening ^_^. There was another weeping cherry tree, another magnificent cherry tree 😊. Fuku gets excited when the place changes, so this day was different from usual 😁. The amount of lees is amazing ✌️
Manta, sorry for the late night. I'm sorry, I've been thinking about 😓. I was more interested in the ramen than the 🌸. I was more interested in ramen🍜 than 🌸. (I'm going to try the oven-baked pork soon. I'm planning to make oven-baked chashu pork soon. I'm planning to make oven baked char siu pork soon and I'm looking forward to it. 😂
Mr. Manta Good morning! The rows of cherry blossoms along the river are so charming and beautiful... 😊This sake is one of the sake I'm interested in.
eri rin Good morning ^_^ I think the nighttime cherry blossoms would look better if it were darker, but I have to work early the next day 🥲. I was attracted to different drinks, but I guess the deciding factor is the ras1 😁.
Hana-pin-san Good morning ^_^ Dumplings rather than flowers 😁. My wife picked out a restaurant when she was picking out clothes and we went there ✌️ Personally, I preferred the taste of shio ramen😊.
young Buddhist priest Good morning ^_^ The riverside is a great place for a walk and stroll, and I enjoyed watching the cherry blossoms 😊. I'm still curious about it! It was delicious ✌️