SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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On the last day of the Bon vacation, I decided to invite my siblings and their families to have a BBQ at my parents' house 😁. We started preparing around 4pm, just in time for my nieces and nephews to finish their sports class 🍴. It was breezy in the evening, but it was still hot, so we started to pour beer from the preparation stage and then followed the example of Mr. Noodle Sake King and went for the sake at the BBQ 🍶. Akanesasu Sparkling Dry This is a sake I got on a recent trip to Shinshu, and I paired it with this one as a starter ✨. The restaurant said it was quite dry, so I thought it would go well with BBQ, so I chose it! The aroma of rice like pear or melon, the mouthfeel is slightly sweet and soft with a dry sharpness of umami and acidity, and the lingering aroma of green apples, which is typical of Shinshu sake, lingers afterwards! Ahhh, it's delicious! This one was purchased at the Ootsuki Sake Shop in Matsumoto City 😊. It was the only "Akanesasu" I found among the liquor stores I stopped by during my trip, so I wanted to try other brands too 🤣. By the way, the other liquor stores we stopped by during our trip were Matsumoto City Nakashimaya Sake Shop Nakajima Sake Shop Ootsuki Sake Shop Ueda City Sake Eiya Jizakeya Miyajima The above plus the Okazaki Sake Brewery
Hi Gyve 😃Akanezasu sparkling 😳 looks so delicious💕! I went all the way to Nagano this summer, but I only came across a super expensive bottle of Akanesasu, so I couldn't get it, and it's still my dream sake 😭.
Hi Gyve, good evening. You are quickly showing off the spoils of your Nagano trip ✨. This is my first time seeing Akanesasu 😲. Sparkling on a hot day is the best 🎵. And your review looks so delicious 🍾. I'd love to drink it sometime😊.
Hi Wakata! I wanted to try it myself so I went looking for it in Shinshu, but this was the only one I could find 💦. I wanted to try it myself, so I went to Shinshu to look for it, but this was the only bottle I could find 💦. I'd like to try again ✨
Hi ma-ki-san! I thought a dry sparkling sake would go well with BBQ, but it was very tasty and had the character of Shinshu sake 😋. I'd like to try another model "Akanesasu" next time ✨.
Hi Gyve 🐦. You opened a bottle of loot: ❣️ Akanesusu sparkling is great 😻 everyone and the BBQ is a great memory for the kids ✨. The liquor store will be helpful 🙏 along with the brand name for the next review.
Good morning, Pon-chan ☀☀☀☀! I opened the bottle right away 😁I thought a bottle of 4gou would not be enough for my dad and I and the taste would be perfect for BBQ✨. We stopped by the liquor store as much time as we could and the lineup was very distressing☺.