SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
KomaguraTAHITO 生酛純米酒
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sakebar 福蔵
Dokurakura is an aged sake brand from Morinokura. This is the first time I've had an aged one 🍶. I had it warmed. The aroma is slightly sweet with a sense of maturity. The first sip has a sweet aroma with a hint of maturity. It was a refreshing and crisp sake ✨. The third picture shows the manufacturing facility of Morinokura and the renovated main building on the left side, which is used for tasting and selling sake to tourists (nonbe?). The third picture shows the production facility of the brewery and the "Mori no Away" on the left. There was also a limited edition unfiltered raw sake from the brewery. I'll get to that later.
Good evening, Mr. Matsuchiyo. Fukuoka's sake is delicious, isn't it? Among them, Dokurakura and Morinokura are my favorites. But I have never had a sake made from the oldest sake yeast and Yamahai sake. I am curious about them.
Good evening Mr. Maruwa🍶. Yes, that's right. I didn't know about it until recently and came to Fukuoka on a drinking trip😅. Morinokura is delicious, but I'm going for Asahikiku 😊.
Good evening, Matsuchiyo🌇. Thank you for appreciating our Fukuoka sake 😊. Morinokura is a serious sake brewery that makes all of its sake from mukashi to junmai! Please continue to support us 📣🤲.
Good evening, Mr. Chichi 🍶. I myself was born in Fukuoka and drank in Hakata, so I may have a very favourable opinion 😅 but good food is good food! I will continue to support Fukuoka sake 😆.