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Glorious Mt.Fujiサバイバル2024純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Yesterday I went to see my father after work in a hurry. After that, my father's condition was not good and there was talk of hospitalization, which worried me a little. Today was the day of the checkup, and my parents were happy to hear that he did not have to be hospitalized. Well, I've already said a long time ago, but what I'm going to have today is Eiko-Fuji Survival 2024 from Fuji Brewery. This is the second Eiko-Fuji I've had. First, the aroma. It has a refreshing ginjo aroma. When you put it in your mouth, you feel the sake flavor, but then the sweetness comes right away, and you drink it smoothly. It also has a fruity taste. It is very smooth to drink and has a sweetness that is very delicious. The lingering bitter aftertaste finishes it off with a bitter taste, so it is well-balanced and very drinkable. I was feeling tired and dull today, but it made me feel very good 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki. I think Eiko Fuji is a powerful drink, and I'm really glad if it made you feel good ☺️ I lose it when I drink Eiko Fuji when my body and mind are weak 😂.
Thank you for your comment, HinaHanaMama. This was my second time to Eikoufuji and I was very impressed with the smoothness of the drink 🎵. But I was too tired to drink much today 💧!
Good evening, ma-ki-. Your father had a tough time, but I'm glad he didn't end up in the hospital😇. My father lives alone in a nursing home in the countryside and will be returning home tomorrow 😀. Eikoufuji's food is consistently delicious and makes my tiredness fly away 😇.
Thank you for your comment Yasbay. Thanks for your help, I am glad for now. I see that Yasbaye's father is going back to his hometown tomorrow: ⤴️ Yes, he is! It was only the second time, but I was healed by the stable Eikoufuji 😊.
Hello ma-ki-san ^_^ I am worried about your father's condition, but I am glad to hear that he was not hospitalized 😊. Eiko-Fuji is delicious no matter what you drink, it must have soaked into your tired body 😊.
Manta, thank you for your comment. I'm glad you were able to avoid hospitalization thanks to your help🍀. That's right! Eikofuji is delicious too 🎵. It was truly sinking in both body and soul 😊.
Hi ma-ki-🐦. I'm glad you are relieved about your father and glad you enjoyed the drink 😊This one seems to be a perfect drink for this time of year! I'd love to try a summer Eikofuji too 😆.
Thank you for your comment, Pon. Yes, I am. Thanks to my father for getting me through this one as well🍀. I've only had Eikoufuji twice, but it was an easy-drinking sake with an impressive smooth taste 🎵. I hope you will too 😊, Pon-chan.