SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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This is a continuation of the report on the second meeting of the August regular meeting of the Fukuoka Branch of WAKENOWA 📝. I was over the top at this point, but the conversation with everyone was so lively that I decided to have a second drink👍. I had never heard of this one either 🐢 Kameji Yoshihi. The label looked like Rumiko's sake and was drawn by the same cartoonist: ✍️ I thought it would be sweet because of the label and the light nigori image, but it was quite refreshing and pulled away leaving a bit of sourness in the mouth. After everyone had had two drinks, we left the restaurant a little after 1:00 pm and decided to finish up with ramen 🍜. Thank you for the meal, my man 🐤. ‼️ We talked for quite a while there as well, and we broke up 💦 after 3:00pm. Back at the hotel, I woke up to a message from Chichi that it was already 9:30am 💧. It's been a while since I've enjoyed Fukuoka night to the fullest ✨. Thank you once again to everyone at the Fukuoka branch for all your help, see you again in the winter⛄!
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee. I'm so impressed with the Fukuoka Off-line meeting that it broke up after 3:00pm 🤣. I'm amazed that you kept the flavor notes in such a state 😳.
Good evening, Yoohee 🌆. Good job on finishing the race👍 I didn't know you were drinking that late 💦. Please bring bouken evangelist and Nemuchi next time 😆.
Good morning, Yoohee 😃. We drank, ate, and talked a lot 🤗It was a fulfilling offline meeting 👍I don't think I would remember it before the tepee.
Good evening, bouken-san. ⭐︎ I'm amazed that you have the stamina to make it home at 1am 👟. I try to take pictures and notes 💡.
Good evening, Chichi. ⭐︎ It's been two months, but I'm happy to report that we had a great time ✨. We were all dancing for joy before we got in the cab at the end of the night in Nakasu👍. I need to invite everyone in Kansai to Fukuoka💨.
Jay & Nobby Good evening ⭐︎ I still want to go back to Kyushu on a regular basis, as the familiar places in Kyushu are so exciting and a different experience than when I was a kid 💡. The next offline meeting will be a long term one, lol.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee! Thank you for staying with us until midnight 😄! Thank you for staying with us until midnight...Hakata ramen after a full course of sake is the best by far 😆👍But it was your man who treated us to a meal..! 🤣
MAJ Good evening ⭐︎ No no no, it was my first night in Hakata that was so much fun ✨. It was a day that made me feel like an adult 💡. I stand corrected ❗️ I can't believe I got completely drunk and forgot who paid me 💧.