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Bunkajin Check-in 1Bunkajin Check-in 2
I met him last year for a drink out, I was so impressed with the taste, I went looking for it, but by then it was already gone by the end of the summer 😆! I was so impressed that I looked for it, but it was already gone by the end of the summer 😆. This year I found it in early summer! Yay ⤴️🙌 When you open the bottle and pour it into a glass It has fine bubbles on the glass skin, It's not as bubbly as Ramune, but it's still very bubbly. It's not as bubbly as a Ramune, but it's still quite bubbly and refreshing. ❣️ It doesn't have the same rummy feeling as last year, but I have a feeling that it will become sweeter and more rummy if we grow it.
Hi Rika, ☀️ It's so hot today 💦💦the reviews make me want to gulp it down 😆👍I've been holding off on summer sake, but I missed out on this one last year so I'd love to drink it💕.
Pon-chan 😆It's been really, really hot and humid here and there and I'm sick of it 🎶Summer sake is light and refreshing, so I'd like to cool it down and drink it crispy 😍.
Hi Rihua 👸😃. It's been a long time since I've seen you here... I can't speak for others as I've been slacking off too 😆. I'd like to hold an offline meeting soon: ❗️
Chichi 😆 I've been slacking so much that you guys are forgetting about me lol 😂. Let's have an offline meeting soon ❣️ Where should we go ❔😍