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Koimari前 ヒイヅル特別純米
Koimari Check-in 1Koimari Check-in 2
Happy New Year! We look forward to working with you again this year. The New Year has begun with a terrible earthquake. We are praying for the earliest possible recovery of the afflicted people. Mr. Tsuyodai has entrusted me with a major task. There are only 4 stores in Japan that sell this sake. Tsuyodai-san told us where to buy it. There is a little lees. It has a tangy and grepy taste, a little bitterness, and a classic sake feel, yet it is easy to drink. A good sake to start the year with.
Happy New Year, Grasshopper 🎍 and a Happy New Year to you too 🙇‍♂️ I have a gimpy back this morning and I'm already in trouble😱help me 🤣
Happy New Year, Grasshopper 🎍. I look forward to working with you this year 🤲. I don't know why I've never had a chance to get to know Ko-Imari, but I'll try to drink it this year: ❗️ But before that, let's have an off-line meeting soon 😁.
Thanks for your support this year, GRA 🙇. Rare to be limited to 4 stores 😳. I enjoy the many variations of Ko-Imari-mae etiquettes, and the Mizuhiki design on this one is also very festive, just like the first sunrise of the New Year 😄.
Happy New Year, Mr. Gura 🎍. I had a bottle of Ko-Imari last year and I remember it was dry and went well with sashimi. This one looks very tasty too ✨ The label is perfect for the New Year! I look forward to working with you again this year: 🙇‍♂️
takeshon senpai It's a tough start to the new year.... I think you are not getting enough exercise...? I still think you should be active as a grassroots baseball player. ⚾️ Please keep up the good work this year.
Happy New Year, Mr. Haruei Chichi. I am looking forward to working with you again this year. I hope you will be able to enjoy Ko-Imari this year! We are looking forward to seeing you at the off-line meeting 🍶.
Aladdin-san Happy New Year! I look forward to working with you again this year. I always look forward to your reviews. I was able to drink a rare sake at the beginning of the year. Ko-Imari-mae is the sake that got me hooked. All of them are well balanced.
Zeek Jikon-san Happy New Year! I hope you have a great new year 🙇I was able to buy the perfect sake for the New Year! Ko-Imari-mae is both modern and classical, just the right sake for me personally 🍶.
Happy New Year ✨Yes, we had almost the same impression of the taste 👍Mild and gentle with a bit of tanginess and the occasional peek of the classic 😁I'm glad the information was helpful!
Tsuyodai Hello! Happy New Year! I was so relieved to hear that your impressions were almost the same, lol. It was delicious! Thank you so much for the information. I look forward to working with you again this year.