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Zenkichi純米吟醸 しぼりたて生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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焼き鳥 蔵
Personal preference 3.8/5 Rice: Test rice (Nagano Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol content 16 Another bottle we got at Yakitorikura! I got another one, but I forgot to take a picture of it 💦. I saw Zenkichi in the fridge, so I ordered this one! Junmai Ginjyo, with an elegant, fruity sweetness that is often found in nama-ginjos! It was not gassy or juicy, so the sweetness was similar to banana or melon 🍌. Still, the sweetness of the rice and a little bit of sharp freshness on the nose afterwards was a good combination👍. If you ask me whether it's the Koshi or this one, it seems to change with the sake pairing 🤔. I'm torn between the two 🤔 I also received a pair of Edo glass rings as a wedding gift from a friend! I will use it with care 🙏! The bamboo shoot rice was also delicious! Thank you for the food: ✨️
Hi Ofuji 😃Zenkichi is delicious, I'm the one who orders it when I find it 👍The sake cup from your friend is also nice ✨Ofuji, so Fuji's sake cup 🗻🤔Nice 😊.
Good evening, Ofuji 😃. Zenkichi doesn't disappoint either 🤤. I finally realized after reading Wakata's comment, your friend who gave Ofuji-san a pair of faceted Mt. Fuji is pretty good 😁.
Hello Mr. Wakata! It's delicious ✌️ I've been hooked on it ever since I had my first pink label 😁. I will use the pair of faceted Fujiyama with care 🗻.
Hi Aladdin! I personally think it's an easy drink for everyone 😊I buy it when I see it at Ka0ya🎶. I'm really grateful to my friend for being so chic 🙏.