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Yamaguchi Sake Festival in Shimonoseki back home①. Visiting sake breweries on foot (6) Having successfully fulfilled the purpose of my trip home, which was to check on my father and visit my auntie who had taken care of me since I was little, I am now going on a tour of the sake breweries in Yamaguchi Prefecture🤣. First of all, we visited Shimonoseki Shuzo in Shimonoseki 😀 This is my first time to visit this brewery 😀. This is my first visit 😀. Locally, they are famous for their fugu (blowfish) fillet sake in a cup (locals call it fugu, not blowfish) and a sake called Sekimusume, but I have never seen it in Kansai 🤣. It seems they recently renewed Sekimusume and changed it to Sekimusume in hiragana 😇. I had it together with Baseki and New Modern Daiginjo in a drinking comparison, but if I were to drink the sake by itself, this Sekimusume was my favorite with its soft, gentle and fruity taste 😀. Of course, I will take this sake home as a souvenir 😇
Yasube and Kaorin, thank you for visiting us 😊. And a quick visit to the sake brewery🤣I've never heard of this brewery before😳I see they have a variety of brands! I wonder if "〜musume" is popular in Yamaguchi 🤔.
Yasube and Kaorin, thank you for your hard work 😊. Yamaguchi prefecture has a lot of delicious sake like Otters, Toyo Bijin, Amami and Omine ✨. And Fukyu. My Shiba is also a fuku 😁. Tessa and dry sake, I bet you can't get enough of it ☺️
Good evening, Yasbay. Thanks for your visit🍀. And an early visit to the brewery 🍶. I'm sure sekimusume-san is seeing it for the first time 🎵. The blowfish monument is awesome 😲.
Good evening, Pon 😀 My visit to the hospital and the visit to my family are over without incident, so now it's time for a drink 😀. I've never had Sekimusume from Shimonoseki Sake Brewery before, but it's been around for over 100 years, so it's not like it's a current fad 🤣.
Manta-san, good evening 😀 There are many other delicious sakes like Gobashi, Ganki, Yamazaru, etc. 😇 I paired Kinjaku with the tessa I had tonight 😀.
Good evening, ma-ki. Shimonoseki sake brewery makes Sekimusume, Umaseki, Umikyo, and other sake with very Shimonoseki-like names, but they don't seem to be familiar to people from other parts of Japan 🤣.
Hi Yasbay 😃. I'm glad you were able to visit your destination first 🤗Thanks for your help 😌. I haven't had fin wine 😍 for a while... must be nice to have a glass in the real place 😚.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 It's been a long time since I've been back home, but the time has flown by and I'll be heading home this evening😅. I don't know if I'll be able to come back again with Orin sometime because I have to work, but it was a fun homecoming😇.