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Shinshu Kirei上田・稲倉の棚田 ひとごこち 生酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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It is a raw Inakura Tanada Hitogokochi from Shinshu Kamerei🐢! Finally opened the bottle 😅 due to my wasteful constitution. Needless to say, it has a gorgeous aroma! Slightly rich and thick. Still gassy even after 5 months It is sweeter than other Kamerei wines. Honey-like 🐝. Full flavor and light acidity Slightly spicy and stimulating, with a trace of alcohol. It's a bad idea, but it's delicious on the rocks with a glass of ice. I prefer it a little diluted 👌 Along with the same sweet and thick Shakamatou and Uchu lemonade 😂. This one is sugary sweet. Flavors of pineapple and apple Looks weird on the outside but Good taste 😋. Lemonade is also sweet 😆 Not boozy, lemony, refreshing and you can drink as much as you want 😊😊😊😊.
Hi superbebe, hello ☀️ Shinshu Kamerei looks delicious 😆 I've never come across this sake and would like to try it 🥰I had seen the fruit in the background in Taiwan but didn't eat it 😭 What does it taste like?
Good morning, superbebe! ☀️ Tanada Hitogokochi in Inakura is delicious 💕I love it, both fresh and fire-roasted 🥰. Is that melon bread-like thing in the picture with you a fruit ❓👀
Good evening, Mr. Galilan. The ripe shakudo can be easily broken open by hand, so you can eat the inside of the fruit with your hands. The pulp is very soft and creamy! The pulp is very soft and creamy and quite sweet 😙. If you eat it, your hands will get sticky.
Pulp around black seeds It's crunchy and interesting. Feels a bit like chewing a clam 😂. Feel full after eating it Usually single weight can be about 1 kg 😛.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan 🌛. It sure looks like melon bread 😆😆. This is a summer fruit. The pulp is white and creamy, looks dense 👀👀.
It is sticky and has a crunchy sweetness in places, reminiscent of sugar lumps 🥰. It is also grown in small quantities in Okinawa🏝, which has a subtropical climate. But it seems to be a different variety It is also available on Rakuten 😊.
Good evening! Is this 🐢san nigori sake? I've never even seen a Shakyamuni head, it sure looks like Shakyamuni's head punch perm... Excuse me, it was a spiral hair ∇ ̄... I wonder if eating 108 of these will make me enlightened...
Good evening, Go-ni-Go-san! This is unfiltered Jungin. It is much darker and sweeter than ordinary Hitogokochi Jungin! This fruit really resembles a punch perm 🤣🤣. It's high in calories. If you eat too much you will get fat 😁.