SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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This sake is brewed with Kitakyushu's tap water to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Kitakyushu municipal government! We can't help but enjoy this one 😆. It seems that the water purification plants were also carefully selected for this interesting project. All right. Open the bottle! Yah! It's a beautiful sake. It is clean, dry, and easy to drink, with no harsh taste and no strong sake flavor. It's a high level of normal 👍. I am happy and enjoy meeting this kind of challenging sake. I'm getting drunk with respect to the sake brewer who has deep roots in my hometown 🤣 because this is my third bottle of sake today. Because this is my third bottle today🤣.
Good evening, tsutsumitate-san 🌙 Tap water alcohol 😳‼️ I'm curious about this! And I'm glad to know that you can make good tasting drinks with this water, I'm sure you'll have much better drinks 😆👍. The third bottle is awesome🤣.
Good morning, Pon 😊. It was a well made sake, I can't believe it was made with tap water. It seems to be a limited edition, but I felt it would be good to sell it as a regular 👍 We drank it for three people and we have about a cup left for all of them😅.
Hello Tsukitate-san 🏙️ Yaay, this is the one that Urakami-san may or may not have been surprised by 😂. I was curious about it but I didn't go through with it😅 I knew it was beautiful!
Hi chikumo 😊 I'm a sucker for limited editions, and the liquor store had it on their instagram, so I bought it 😅. I thought it was a well-made sake that tasted even better than expected👍
Good evening, Tsutsumitate-san 🌆. I love Kitakyushu ❤️ I like ❗️ I wonder if the taste varies depending on the area where the water is taken from, since Kitakyushu is a large area. I'll buy it next time I see it!
Good morning, Haruei Chichi 😊. Kitakyushu seems to have several water sources, so it looks like you could choose the water. I bought it as a story, but it is really well made👍If you see it 😃.
Good evening 😆I'm curious about this one 😁I'm told it's made into a beautiful drink.
Good evening, Tsuyodai 😊. When people hear it's tap water, they might tend to pass it by😅. But it tastes good! I was a little surprised 😆.