SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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🎄 This is the one I had for Christmas. It was a weekday but just to get in the mood! The aroma is fruity with a hint of apple and rummy. With the top clear, chili shuwa, Akabu-like acidity, apple, and a clean finish. When mixed, oh, it becomes quite ricey. Apples, acidity, and rice. I was a bit surprised because I had always thought of Akabu as fruity and juicy, even though it is an orikarami. Of course, it has those things too! I guess it's interesting how the flavors of orikara become more complex when mixed together. The next day, the base was still fruity, sweet, and sour, but it was more like a rice soda. I thought that today would be the day for the usual Akabu's sour fruity taste, so it was surprising that it leaned more toward rice on the second day. But it is delicious. The end of the bottle is less acidic than expected. The end result is a light nigori, a mild rice flavor. It was an enjoyable Christmas with the unexpected and Akabu-ish parts 🌟. I hope to catch up with your post before the end of the year... I'd like to see the change after a few days of opening the bottle... So when should I raise the alcohol to be opened today or tomorrow? I'm wondering 🤔
Good evening, Kotaro! SNOW XMAS, you drank it on Christmas 🎄🥂I was going to too but I haven't because I've been sick 🥲I wonder when I will be able to drink it😅. I also have a few things I haven't posted yet... what should I do 😂.
Good morning, Kotaro-san ^_^ I see that you also drank this one on Christmas Day👍. It is indeed difficult to decide when to review the wine, considering the change in taste.
Hello Kotaro 😃. With Mr. Kottaro's redbuds, you'll be safe for Christmas🎄🤗because he's a redbud 🥰. We're almost done drinking 🥲 this week and our stock is gone 😙.
Hi Tsubu, ☀️ I hope you are feeling okay 😢Maybe you are tired from all the hard work you usually do 💦I hope you are back to full strength and drinking well again soon🙏✨. I hope you are feeling better soon so that you can drink again ↪F64F↩✨ I also hope to finish my drink by the end of the day 😂.
Hi Manta, ☀️ It's named XMAS, so if I miss this one, I risk putting it to bed until next year! So I opened it right away 🤣. I know, I tend to accumulate them because I want to taste them all if possible 😂. I'd like to taste it all before I put it up 😂.
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ You are right! Christmas is also a safe bet, because it's the Red Tube: ☺️🎄 Finally you two are reunited and here's where the party begins again 🥳I'm looking forward to your review of the New Year's sake 🍶😊.