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Fukucho純米吟醸 八反草純米吟醸
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
There was one more sake from the "Tasting Sake by Female Toji" event held by Standing Drinking Chuin that I had been curious about for a while, so I took this opportunity to have it 🍶. Tomikunaga Junmai Ginjo Hattanso. This sake is brewed by Touji Miho Imada, who was selected as one of the "100 Women of the Year" in 2020 by the BBC. I was curious about the sake rice, Hattansusa. It is a fantastic rice that is the root of the "Hachiganso series," a group of sake brewing rice representative of Hiroshima, and is an ancestor of Hachiganshiki and Hachigansho 35. Yatanso is a native variety from the late Edo period (1603-1868), but it was difficult to cultivate and disappeared for a time, pushed aside by its successor varieties. However, Mr. Toshi Imada and the Imada Sake Brewing Company revived its cultivation from a handful of seed hulls, and after 100 years, they are once again brewing sake with Yatanso. Incidentally, the brand name "Fukucho" was named after Senzaburo Miura, who established Japan's first soft-water brewing method and made Hiroshima one of the three most famous brewing regions in Japan! The long story short, here's the sake 🍶. It has a well balanced ginjo aroma with hints of pear, melon, and banana. The clear sweetness gives way to a crisp acidity, which gives way to a beautiful umami. The acidity finishes with a flowing finish. Everything is just right and I like it. ☺️ It was a drunken sake typical of Hiroshima 🍶.
Good evening, Aladdin. I've already forgotten the difference between Hachitan-Nishiki No.1 and No.2 😓I haven't drank much Hiroshima sake or Hachitan series and I'd like to start drinking them from now on! I haven't even had a chance to drink Tomikunaga's Kai-fu-do properly 😭.
Good evening, Hirupeko! I haven't attacked it yet, but I actually like Hiroshima's sake. ☺️ I like Amego no Tsuki, but Hirupeko, there are a lot of sake I would recommend, like Glorious Regent, Tenpoichi, Kamerei, etc. 🍶.
Hi Aladdin 😀 Actually Kaorin loves sake brewed by female toji and wanted to go to this event but had to give it up due to some business 😅. I think the quality of the sake brewed by female brewers is often beautiful😇.
Good morning, Yasbay 😃. Too bad you couldn't join us 😌If you go later, you may be able to drink, so it's a good aim! Kawada-san and I were talking about how the sake is not at all sweet or fruity because it is made by a female toji! I was talking to her 😁.