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Rafa papaRafa papa
Re:vive空我 無濾過原酒原酒無濾過
Re:vive Check-in 1
Re:vive Check-in 2Re:vive Check-in 3
Rafa papa
Re:vive KUGA Unfiltered Unrefined Genshu May 12 was a tour of liquor stores in Hokusetsu area 🚗 with Mr. Wakata and Mrs. Yuki. With Mr. Wakata and Mrs. Yuki We went to Hata Sake Shop for the first stop... We chose Re:vive KUGA ✌️ I had already decided before we went there after seeing their instagram! Hizume Hirai Residence, the place where Kiku no Tsukasa was founded. Revived as a sake brewery 100 years after relocation Craft saké due to liquor tax law A portion of the moromi is fermented with glutinous rice germinated with brown rice malt is added to fermentation When poured into a cup, it is very smooth and clean. It has a very clean and refreshing taste 😋. Full sweetness and pleasant umami of rice Delicate and fresh acidity 🤤. Yuki-san is very good at getting the owner on board. The sake tasting kept coming out one after another 🤣. I didn't know you could sample this much... 😳 New discovery 💡. I, the driver, was watching with my fingers in my mouth😅.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 Thank you so much for your hard work, driver: 🙆‍♂️ I never know when I'll be able to sample at Hata's, so I always walk there 🤣. I've been curious about this drink for a while too, but I never get to it 😅.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbay 😃. I can't do tasting because I basically 🚗 when I buy alcohol 😅I drink most of the alcohol at Hata liquor store, so when a new brand comes in, I end up buying it 😁.
Good morning, Rafa papa 😃. This is one I've never seen before 😳It's important to check social networking sites for information about liquor stores 🤗It looks really good 😋.
Rafa papa konbanha! I'm interested in this one. I'll look for it😊. Drivers have to be patient 🍶😁.
Rafa papa
Good morning Eirin 😃 There were 3 types in the store and Wakata and Yuki tasted them for me so I could choose this one without hesitation 😁I usually drive to the store so it was a fresh and new discovery to be able to taste them 💡.
Rafa papa
Good morning Jay & Nobby 😃. When the liquor store I frequent starts carrying a new brand, I want to buy it 😁This sake is not classified as sake due to the liquor tax law, but it was very good 😋.