SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Visit the Sake Fair for the First Time One of the largest gathering of sake breweries in Japan I was so engrossed in drinking that this is the only decent picture of a sake bottle I was able to take, so here's my review. Shun no Uten from the Yamanashi Prefecture booth Gentle and mellow Not flashy, but gently cozy. I had it cold, but I'd like to drink it warmed. The brewer recommended heating it up. The other prefecture that impressed us was Ehime, which exhibited a sake made with the prefecture-developed Sakurahime yeast, Shibari, Kagawa Prefecture was also impressed with their Sanuki Olive Yeast, also developed by the prefecture, In Fukushima Prefecture, the legendary Mr. Suzuki served us drinks, In Miyagi Prefecture, I was able to meet Yuriyan from Koganezawa, whom I had longed to meet, Three hours of excitement! I had planned to visit booths all over the country, but I ran out of energy with only two prefectures left! I hope to be back next year and have more time to enjoy the event!
Sounds like a fun event...I'm very jealous! How was the heat?
Good evening, BacchusNY 🖐It was fine as we were indoors and air conditioned. The heat was mmmm... 😁.
Good evening, bap🌙. I went to the event for the first time myself. It's a unique way to enjoy this event to visit booths all over the country 😄. Next year I will conquer the whole country ❗️😆
Good evening, bap 😄 I see you were there too 😆. I was there too 😆 3 years in a row 😁 this event is addictive once you go 🤣Photography... it's tough 😅I'm terrible 🤣.
Good evening, Hiro 😀 It was a fun and exciting event! Next year I'm going to try to win the national championship with a base allocation! 😄
Good evening, Tsubu...well, it was a lot of fun...❤️ I will try my best to participate again next year!