SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Daishichi純米生酛 熟成生原酒
Daishichi Check-in 1
Daishichi Check-in 2Daishichi Check-in 3
December 8 last year I was informed by bouken, one of the legendary sake brewers, that it was on sale at Hanshin Hyakko. He immediately ran to buy one and then another (*3rd picture). I was like, "Here it is! Holy shit! I finished the game before I could recall the taste at all, probably due to the rush of emotions. And so, with the second film of the season (*1 and 2), I finally reviewed it! The main aroma is the opening from the ashy aroma characteristic of the sake's traditional sake making process, and the taste is the ultimate in complexity. At first I was going to release it as "Keiko Matsuzaka's knee", but I decided to go with a more recent knee (......). But then I changed my mind. She has won many awards and has a very unique knee(?) with her versatile acting ability. with his versatile acting ability and unique knees(?). How about "Sakura Ando's Knees"? General Comment "Classic Dark A truly complex variety that ranges from bitter and savory to rare cheesecake, ripe apricots, caramel and even a hint of banana. If you want to taste the ultimate in mellow sake, this is it! The Showa-esque face and bewitching, sometimes comical, performance will charm you, and with your body and mind filled with peacefulness, you will fall asleep before you know it.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌛I'm already on the borderline of not knowing what you're talking about with your skeptical expressions, but I can feel your spirit 🤣It's been sitting in my fridge for a long time, but I don't dare to drink it with my most prized drink 😅.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran😃. You came with acting knees, not sexy or sexy type 🤔I felt from your review that it must be a stable taste that will not change its reputation no matter how many times you drink it 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Sake Run 😃. At any rate, I could tell that Mr. Lan is very fond of this complex, raw sake like Daishichi and of Ms. Sakura Ando 😁 I'd like to try it 🤤.
Good evening, Nemuchi-san 👋 I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately 😇☝.
Thank you, Mr. Bou 👋! Yes! It's true that the difficult process of making sake using the traditional sake yeast yeast and maturation method, but the fact that the taste remains the same year after year is the strength of a major brewery 😇.
Good evening, Aladdin! I'm not really satisfied with any of the Daishichi (the Yukishibori was delicious). However...! However, this sake is exceptional 😇.