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(˶>妝遂<˵˵)ノ🍶🍶🍶🍶+ Today I had a drink after my physical checkup 😆 I had a glass of Hatsuzakura from the local Sakurada Sake Brewery 😀. I don't have the detailed results of the checkup yet, but the doctor and I were told that I was above the standard values all over the place 😭😭😭. I'll get back on track 🌸😚. The other day, I had some work in Suzu City, so I went to Sakurada Sake Brewery to buy some sake while I was at work 😊I don't know if I can help them since they were damaged by the earthquake in May, but I bought some sake 💕. It's not outstandingly delicious, but it has a robust flavor and a clean aftertaste 😘It's not too assertive, so it goes well with food ❤️ I hope they will recover soon because it's my favorite brewery of Da Kei 🥺.
Good evening, Maecin-san 🌆. The earthquake in Pearl City is worrisome, isn't it😟. It seems that this year's earthquake was worse than last year's. I will look for Sakurada sake too.
Maechen, good evening 🎶. Your reconstruction support for the local brewery is wonderful 😄👏. With that in mind, it's good to be in business 👍. Your medical checkups are all over the standard values😅Did they tell you to retest? ⁉️
Maecin-san, good evening 🌙 Thanks for your health checkup 😊I'm going to drink and relieve stress 💦. It's good to support the recovery by drinking! I'm going to follow your example: ❣️
Good morning, Maechen 😃. Great to cheer you up with local sake after the checkup 👍. I heard that the standard value of the medical checkup is very strict 🤔If the standard value is raised all over the place, it means everything is healthy 😆.
Good morning, @Mizuhashi 😀 ☀️ When I went to Sakurada Sake Brewery, they didn't stack the cases but piled them flat on the floor in case there might be another earthquake 🤔The earthquake is subsiding for now 💦I'll drink and support 🥳.
Ace, good morning ☀️😀 I'd love to support you by drinking some local sake 😊 because it's a brewery with flavors I like 😚. The results of my physical will come in a month, so until then it's business as usual 🤣.
Good morning, Maechen 😃. I'm anxious about the results of your health checkup: ❗️ I don't hear much information about Noto these days, but I must drink Noto sake and support 📣😤.
Good morning, Ponchan 😀 ☀️😀 I just finished my physical exam, so I put the results aside and got some drinks 😚 I can only support you by drinking alcohol, but I can help you with this for a long time 🥳.
Good morning, Jay & Novi 😀 ☀️😀 I haven't been drinking much local alcohol 💦 so it's now or never (๑๑̀ㅂ́)و✧ Quicksilver is such a result if you only abstain from non-alcoholic drinks the day before 🤣😭🤣Next year, plan ahead 🥳.
Good morning, Haruei Chichi 😀 ☀️😀 The medical checkup was a no-plan rush👍and a great return 😭. The earthquakes have calmed down recently, but we have to be careful ⚠️ when and if they come 🤔I'm going to drink sake and help the recovery 🥳.