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Sanko Tenbu純米生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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Inspired by Hirupeko's review of Sanko Tenshi... I welcomed it because I wanted to taste "spicy" 🤗. It has a Shaoxing wine-like flavor, with a savory aged aroma like miso barrels, and a sweet but spicy flavor reminiscent of brown sugar and buckwheat honey... I thought, "This is it! ⁉︎. The acidity comes on strong, and you can feel the spread of the flavor. If I were to describe it in terms of genre, I would say that it is a strong and peculiar type. It has a robust flavor, but it is not sticky and has a refreshing aftertaste. I enjoyed it with some jumbo dumplings (🥟) I bought at a souvenir store in the station building on my way home from a recent sake and wine event. Warmed up and cooled down...a hint of bitter chocolate appeared!
Hi Kotori 🍶. I haven't opened it yet, but I bought one the other day from the same year. I took a picture of it, but I saw the same thing on the Kakinoki's tag. By the way, did you drink it chilled?
Hi Matsuchiyo 😊I am becoming fascinated by the different taste from modern sake. Everything was kept in the fridge at the distributor, so I put it in the fridge once I got back. I had it cold to room temperature. I'm looking forward to heating it up 🤭kicky📸 lol
Good evening, Kotori-san. I'm glad to see another Sanko Tenpyo following in the footsteps of Matsuchiyo 😻I personally like aged sake from Omachi. It tastes even better if you let it sit for about a month after you uncork it and drink it slowly 😋.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😊I want to taste Tororincho too 😚The note on the back of the tag says to strain if you are worried about floating matter/sediment 😅When I was at Tsuchida99, there was a fuzzy sediment...I thought it was marimo 😂.