SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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阪堺電車 車内
Report of the August meeting of the SAKEWA Kansai Chapter 11📝. Hey, isn't this a very fermented sake that you can find at the mysterious cheese shop I often go to, or at the kusei sake shop in Honzan: ‼️‼️ It has an aroma of rice bran and sourness that resets the palate at once. It seems to be good for your health if you keep drinking it as if it were a health food rather than a sake👍. From what I hear, sales of this sake are there and they have fixed customers. Thank you, Mr. Sakeran, for bringing us a sake that we would never have touched ✨.
Hello Yoohee! It seems to be very hard to open this at home 😅 It took a long time even for a pro like Mr. Nemuchi💦. I wonder if fixed customers have withdrawal symptoms if they don't drink regularly 🤣.
Hi Yoohee ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. That was awesome in many ways👍It was the most impactful drink I've had this year😆.
bouken Hello 💧. I have to make sure it's cool before I drink it and move it as little as possible 💧. Nemuchi, I think you opened it patiently ✨. I think people who are addicted to it will get it lol
Hello, Pon! It's true, I don't usually get this type of drink 💦. If I were to drink it on a regular basis, it would be like ⁉️ in which situation 💧. Good experience👍