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Glorious Mt.Fuji朝顔ラベル純米吟醸
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Today is my son's field day 😆👍 I heard that from next year it will be on Saturday 😆👍. The character "Nontan" played a game called "Find your mother" and there was a peephole in the Haribote wall to watch the game 😊I peeped in and saw my son being more active than anyone else ‼️ and ignoring what anyone said 💦Wow, he's so naughty, I watched him grow up with my wife, but I was tired just watching him. I'm tired. I bought him his favorite picture book and snacks as a reward for his hard work 😆. I got myself a glorious Fuji! According to the owner, you can only buy this sake if you deal directly with Eikoufuji 😋 The Eikoufuji sake I've been drinking was made by a supplier 🍶 So, this is the real Eikoufuji. I'm really looking forward to it 😆👍 So let's open the bottle: ‼️ The aroma is fruity but with a strong ginjo aroma 😄. The taste is complex 💦Miyamanishiki and Yamadanishiki are very assertive and sweet but fades out with a bitterness in the second half that is typical of Eikoufuji 👍This is a bottle that I want to continue to follow 👍.
Good morning, Masa-san ☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀☀. Eikofuji itself is finally available, I'm too jealous of this rare sake ✨. Glad to hear your son is scruffy and healthy 😆👍 watching over you through the peephole is a novelty 😳 and you must be exhausted 🤣.
Masa Hello ^ ^ Eikoufuji has many distinctive labels, but there is also a sake like this 😁. Genuine Eikoufuji, I like it ✨. I want to drink it ✨ Yanka son, you are the best👍
Masa-san, good evening 🌙 I didn't know there was such a thing as Glorious Fuji with this kind of label 🤗. Well, it's okay for boys to be a bit naughty. Don't worry 😊😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan😄 I hope you enjoy this genuine Glorious Fuji 😆👍The other super-limited series are also delicious, but I'm afraid of my son, who is going his own way, although he is very healthy and healthy.
Good evening, Manta! I had seen it at this liquor store and thought it must be a classic type in terms of the label, but I was happy to see it was a modern glorious Fuji 🤗It's cute, though it's a bit naughty at home and outside 💦.
Good evening, sake-loving land surveyor😄 Please visit Gotoya and see w interesting sake. ☺️ I try to keep a warm eye on you and not be too strict, but I can't help but compare you with others 😅.
Hi Masa 😃 I went to 2 Eiko-Fuji dealers yesterday, but I didn't see this one: ❗️ I hope you are now completely exhausted from the field day 😊.
Good evening, Haruei-Chi! There are many liquor stores over here that sell Eikoufuji, but I was only able to buy it at one 😅💦If you see it, please do 🤗It was so good that I forgot how tired I was 🤣👍.