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Ryusen'yaezakura純米吟醸 中汲み 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! (^O^) It was beyond warm and hot today! At times like this, I like to have a glass of something cold and refreshing (lol). Today, I was invited to attend a welcome and farewell party for the branch manager of a local bank at the local chamber of commerce. I was invited to attend the party because the chairman of commerce and industry is Mr. Yoshikichiro Yaegashi, president of Izumikin Sake Brewery! I ordered Yaegakura Junmai Ginjyo Nakakumi-Unfiltered Nama-shu from Gin-no-Shu Kibune! Actually, this brand seems to be a limited edition, only one tank of which had been brewed, so I happened to find it at Kibune and bought it. Since they were sold out of the four-pack bottles, I asked them to send me a bottle of it on the assumption that we would all drink it together. I immediately tasted it myself while pouring it for everyone. It was refreshing and refreshing, in the class of a fine white wine. The sweetness is moderate, but it asserts itself as "delicious, isn't it? It is well-balanced and goes down easy. The locals, who have only had dry Yaezakura, raved about it! In fact, President Yaegashi himself had never had it... (^_^; ) That's because it is a limited edition. After this, the sake that won first place at the Iwate Prefecture New Sake Competition will be sold in stores. I'm looking forward to it! It was very delicious! (^O^)
熊谷 朋之
By the way, the man in the fourth photo is Mr. Yoshikichiro Yaegashi, president of Izumikin Sake Brewery. He is quite a dandy, and he drinks nothing but sake. And yet he has a smart figure, which is a foul, isn't it? (Laughs).
Good evening, Tomoyuki Kumagai 🌛. Only one tank in stock is quite a rare item, I didn't know that even the president couldn't taste it 😄I really envy those who drink and are still thin ✨.
熊谷 朋之
Good morning, Mr. Gyve! (^o^) It seems to have been quite a lucky brand. It is quite delicious! And since I appealed to them, they might make the same one again (lol). He says his body shape and liver numbers haven't changed w
Hello Tomoyuki Kumagai 😃. It is a perfect 💯 divine response to prepare a limited edition sake of your own brewery for the president of a brewery. ❗️ This is a guaranteed success for your business 👍.
熊谷 朋之
Hello, Haruei Chichi! (^o^) I happened to find it at my usual liquor store in Morioka, and they only had one bottle, so I had the idea that I would have to drink this with everyone as a gift~! I guess it's far from a success~w