SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Yoemon超辛口 直汲み特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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I found a new fish shop 💡 with dried fresh rolled salmon ‼️ My might-be-tasty sensor kicked in and I immediately bought a fillet. I knew I wanted a dry local sake to go with it‼️, so I chose this one👍. Now then, let's open the bottle☺️The color is slightly yellowish. The aroma is fresh with a hint of sweetness and alcohol. The mouthfeel is fresh, crisp, dry, and clean. The umami has a subtle sweetness and bitterness. It is best as a food sake 😀. Serve with fresh salmon. The synergistic effect of the umami. It is a bit salty, but it brings out the umami and sweetness of this sake. Delicious 🤗I found a good fishmonger 😁. Next, I paired it with cod. Maybe because it is light, it is a bit lost to the sake flavor. If anything, fish with more flavor and fat would be a better match. Rice】100% Miyamanishiki produced in Iwate Prefecture Polishing ratio: 55%. Alcohol content: 16% to 17%. Sake meter] +17.5 Pickles] Grilled salmon and cod Price including tax] 1,760 yen
Good evening, Komacchan. I just checked the location of Morioka city on the map of Japan 😉. I am sure that winter sake tastes better there than in Okayama, so enjoy the delicious local sake and good luck with your work 🤗.
x777303 I enjoyed the sake from Okayama, represented by Omachi, and the fish from Setouchi, but now I will enjoy the sake and fish from Tohoku while also enjoying my work 🤗.
Good evening, Komacchan 😃. You found a good fish shop with your sake drinker's sense of smell 😆😄The 4th picture is beautiful and looks delicious😍Quickly 😋 with a dry sake 🍶 this is irresistible 🤗.
Good morning Jay & Nobby, I found a good fish shop at 🌤️ 🤗I found a good fish shop 🤗I'm going to explore more dry sake 😋 I'm going to explore more now....