SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hanaabi吟風 直汲み純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
Hanaabi Check-in 1Hanaabi Check-in 2
Hanaabi Check-in 3Hanaabi Check-in 4
酒処 雲
I met a friend from high school for the first time in a while and we went to a sake bar after going out for yakiniku. I didn't know he liked sake. It's been about 2 years since my last visit, and I'm glad to see that my 92 year old mom is still as healthy as ever😊. The first sake we drank was Hanayo. It's not too sweet, but it has a slight pineapple taste and ends with a bitter taste. It's delicious, but if you're looking for something like Huayouyasutra, I think it's not quite right. I was talking with other customers that it was like "the match" in that it didn't feel like a "hana-yosu".
Rafa papa
Good evening bouken 😃 I was going to buy this at a liquor store in Saitama but they said they only wholesale it to restaurants because of small shipments 😭I guess it's more of an irregular sake 😁.
Good evening, bouken🥂. I'm curious about your friend's newfound love of sake and hana-yosu, but I'm also interested in your 92 year old mother ⁉️😳 I'd like to meet your mother more than I'd like to meet your sake😃.
Good evening, Rafa 😃. I saw the instagram of the liquor store where I think Rafa-san went, but it says that they sell only to restaurants with which they have a relationship 😅.
Maybe they took the measure of selling only to restaurants because they are likely to get a lot of inquiries for the new product 🤔.
Good evening, Mr. Chidorisashi. It's a store run by two people, the master (son) who is a tsundere and the mother who is a signboard girl 😊It's a good store with a good clientele and good conversation among the customers 🤗.