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Gokyoride? 桃色にごり純米大吟醸にごり酒
Gokyo Check-in 1Gokyo Check-in 2
Gokyo Check-in 3Gokyo Check-in 4
酒楽 掬正
I had another sake in mind for today, but when Kaorin told me that today is the Peach Festival, I quickly changed today's sake 😀. Today's sake is Gohashi Peach Color Nigori from my hometown in Yamaguchi Prefecture 😀. I had prepared it to drink while viewing the cherry blossoms at the nearby Banpaku Park, but it was rained out so it remained in the fridge 🌸. We compared Sentori hope, Rebirth and Tengu Mai 😀. We opened a bottle of Gobashi's peach-colored nigori and started with the supernatant 🍶. It's delicious 😀. It was strawberry fizzy juice 😀. Then I stirred the nigori and it turned out to be a peach-colored nigori sake 😀. In honor of Kaorin, today's Peach Festival is successfully over 😇.
On the day of the Dolls' Festival, I am happy to toast with pink sake 🍶 and my favorite nigori: ☺️
Good evening, Yasbaye 🌖. I love how you cherish your milestone, Yasbaye 👍. Strawberry fizzy juice 🍹 sounds delicious 😋.
Rafa papa
Good evening Yasube & Kaorin 😃. Too bad you couldn't drink it at the Expo but I'm glad you were able to drink it at the Peach Festival 😊 Kaorin's favorite nigori for the Peach Festival...Yasbaye is so kind...🤣
Hi, Maru-san 😀 Sake in Japan has four seasons, so it's fun to be able to pair it with the seasons too 😀! It's finally the season for spring sake, but I still don't have any space in my fridge, so I have to drink my existing sake soon 🤣!
Hi Rafa papa 😃 I couldn't drink sake while viewing the plum blossoms at the Expo park, so I'm thinking about drinking while viewing the cherry blossoms, but I'm still pondering what to do now that I've had Gobashi😇. I need to score some points once in a while😅
Thanks for the offline meeting, Yasbay & Kaorin 😊. It's perfect for the Dolls' Festival 🎎 ❣️ I think it's great timing even though the schedule has changed 👍✨I cherish events and seasons, too🎶.
Thank you so much, Pon-chan 🙏. I probably wouldn't have been able to attend such a wonderful offline meeting if I hadn't had the opportunity to talk with you Pon 😀. I've opened a bottle of Gobashi and I'm wondering what to bring to the Hanami 🤣.