SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
勢正宗omatsuri carp純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ発泡
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Matsunoo-Taisha Shrine (松尾大社)
Matsuo Taisha Sake-1 Grand Prix㉛ Here's the last one just before the end of the event! I know it's delicious, but you can't always buy it at many stores because of the spot delivery via wholesalers. Yamae-Nishiki 90%, Hime no Mochi from Nagano 10%, Polishing ratio 59%, Alcohol 13%. I looked up the specs on the net 😅 because the data is wrong. I think the Yamae Nishiki from the net info is correct 🤔. Sweet, low al and light drinking. The acidity was pleasant. I'd love to drink this at home! Nemuchi-san asked the brewery why they didn't participate in the traveling SAKE event the other day, and they told us the story behind the event 😌 I was surprised at how hard it is to participate in such an event! Finally, the brewery is holding a project called "59 sake" for brewers who were born between 59 and 60 years old, so I appealed to them that we are classmates 😁. The winner of this event was Yokoyama. Nemuchi asked me which one was the best at the event and I said Machida, but later on I was impressed with Matsunotsuyuumachi and Sanzenzakura Normal Sake Naokumi! It's a shame that the ambulance had to come even though we had taken measures to make the rounds for supplements and water to drink as well 😥. No drunkenness in front of God 🚫.
According to Nemuchi's information, he also drank some Ten Stone, but I didn't take a picture of it and forgot that he drank it 🤣. I remember talking to the toji and the salesman 💦.
bouken thanks for your 31 reviews😊. It's really great that you can remember and write so well ✨I enjoyed reading 🎶. It's interesting to see so many different warehouses participating, I hope to go next year 😆.
Thank you, Ponchan 🙇. I took a lot of notes this time 😁. I think it will be fun next year as well since the participating warehouses seem to be different every year 😆. Tedorigawa had to cancel their participation due to the earthquake 😥.
Good evening, bouken😄. Thanks for the event review: ☺️ bouken and Nemuchi, seeing you both check in just made me feel like I was there 😁. Your passion 🔥 and love 🥰 for Sake is just amazing 🍶.
Hi Aladdin 😃. Thank you 🙇. It's somewhat of a struggle, but I manage to do it with a weird sense of obligation that it's not worth it if I don't post everything 😅.