SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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どんどこ 西池袋店
It kept raining. The wind started to blow at night. The cherry blossoms are falling 🥲. I went to a healing place in Ikebukuro for the first time in a long time I'm going home after having a drink Last week I went to Ebisu for a drink I had a drink at a standing bar cup of sake 🍶Tenmei raw savings It was delicious 😊. I found the words "Tenmei" on the menu I ordered it. Sarasara Junmai. As the name suggests As the name implies, it's a very dry and smooth rice. The subtitle is "Lovely Summer". The label design also has fireworks on it. I can see why! It has a light and refreshing taste. Healing sake served at a healing place The cherry blossoms will be gone 😭 The sake is gorgeous and delicious 😭❣️ It's so light and smooth, isn't it? I thought so! The alcohol content was 13 degrees I wonder if I can walk home with this. 🚶‍♀️
Good evening, Asanami! I never thought I'd hear Sarasara in a place like this 🤣. You are so ahead of the summer 🌞👍
Good evening, kino-san! I was in a good mood 😅I mean, the "っ" is slightly in the wrong place 😆Tenmei was delicious, so please forgive me 🙏The cherry blossoms have fallen, so I decided to taste the summer already 😊.
Good evening, Asanami-san. Did you walk home? I'm sure the cherry blossoms 😁 in Tokyo have started to fall 😁〰︎🥲Hanabi labeled Sarasara Junmai🍶 looks easy to drink and delicious 🍶❣️ feels like summer a little earlier 😆♪
Good morning, Asanami 😃. It's already in full bloom in Tokyo🌸. Lovely summer there, you switch so fast 😁.
Good morning, mamiko-san 😃I walked home from the nearest station ✌️... 🙏It was raining and it was dangerous to fall down 😅Sarasara Junmai is really smooth and I felt like summer! I was in danger of falling because it was raining 🙏, oh well😅Sarasara Junmai was really smooth and I could feel a little bit of summer 🎇.
Haruei Chichi, good morning 😃Tokyo's cherry blossoms 🌸 are rapidly falling 🥲This easy to understand naming 🍉 is good 👍Drink a sarasara and feel like it's already summer ⁉️