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関東の華かんとうのはな 活性酒純米吟醸生酒にごり酒発泡
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I've seen the Sei, but this is new to me. I haven't even had a bottle of the raw sake yet, and I got the even more minor Kantou no Hana first💦. Masuda Shoten in front of Namba Grand kagetsu. I knew there was a sake shop even before I started drinking sake, but I kept checking their Instagram only because I thought the atmosphere was intimidating to enter. So I took the plunge and went there because they just got this in stock. The weight of the sake bottles is high, but there are many brands you don't see anywhere else. Kikuji, Shirakami, Yuto Masamune, Hatsuzakura, Mizutoki, Tsuki no Wa, Ichinotani, Haginishiki, etc. There are also many minor brands from Gunma, Fukushima, and Yamagata. Like this one, I have the impression that there are many "not-here" brands. Tanigawadake (Skunk cabbage), Ishi-back (Hirotogawa), and Seiyo (Machida Sake Brewery), etc. I think you can drink the sake they have in the corner shop as well. The gasiness is quite strong. It fizzes like champagne. Aroma of cemedine. It has a dry, grapefruit-like bitter taste. The label is made of felt and has a luxurious feel. More fruity, sweet and bitter than freshly opened.
Rafa papa
Good morning bouken😃 Your inquisitiveness to explore new liquors in new liquor stores is great 👍I have to learn from you 🤣.
bouken Good morning ☀☀☀. I didn't know there was a liquor store in front of NGK. I often wander around there, but I never noticed it 💧. I'll take a peek next time I go to Namba, as I have a high percentage of EDION stores there 💡.
bouken, good morning😊I rarely pass by there, but when I did, I couldn't get close to it because there were a lot of guys hanging around who seemed to be regulars 😅. Maybe next time I'll be brave enough to go in 🤔.
Hi bouken, ☀️ I've never seen this brand 😳‼️ I see you still have it, I'd like to visit NGK and I'll try to remember to go in then 😆.
Hello, bouken! You must be Hijiri of Hijirism! I love the design of this brewery and the taste, I have even visited the brewery and I think I saw the velvet label ❗️ 😁 I'm attacking a lot of things and I support you 💪.
bouken Hello ^ ^ Not a "not" geisha, but a "not" sake 🤣. Maybe there is a sake that has something good in it 👍.
Good evening Rafa 😊. I've been to many liquor stores, but this one took a lot of courage to enter because there is not much information about it as a liquor store 😅I tried to enter once and gave up because I was scared 🤣.
Good evening, Mr. Yoohee 😃. It's located in a quiet and inconspicuous place so you may not notice it 😅It's on the corner alongside Coco Ichi-Ri and Ramen Kameo. If you come to Namba, I also recommend Kikuya Sake Shop on Ota Road 👍.
Good evening, Masha 😀 I think it's ok to buy sake since the entrance and exit are separated from the corner shop 😊Please go there and get some rare sake 😁.
Good evening, Ponchan 😃 From the comedy - maybe a liquor store & drinking might be a good idea 😁 there are lots of options in that area 😆.
Asanami, good evening😊. The logo on the cap is cool 😆. Did you go to the warehouse 😳I'm jealous 🥺. I've never seen hijirism 😭
Good evening, Manta 😃. I thought it was a restaurant that focuses on local brands 😆. I thought it is a restaurant that focuses on local brands.