Tokujiro直汲み 特別純米 無濾過生原酒
Nice to meet you!
I'm "Tokujiro" ✨🥂✨
Dora, who is checking out Sake no Wa
Dora-chan, who is checking out our sakéwa, was curious about a sake called "Joyo".
She wanted to try something from the Joyo Sake Brewery.
I'm sure you'll be able to find something from the Joyo Sake Brewery.
Almost no aroma.
When you drink it
It's deliciously acidic and tingling on the tongue!
It makes my chest area hot!
Sweetness is slight.
Sourness and astringency finish it off.
2nd day
The sweetness has come out a little.
Still, it is refreshing with delicious acidity.
The astringency of the first day has changed to bitterness.
I really like the taste from the first half to the middle 💕Oicy♡♡.
But the bitterness in the second half is a bit of a turn-off 💦.
If I have a chance, I'd like to try "Joyo" next time 😋.
Good morning, Tsubu 😀
I visited Joyo Brewery the other day 😀
They were very nice to deal with 😀.
After the tasting, we decided to take home a nigori sake... although I can't rely on the opinion of our nigori-loving family 🤣.
Good morning, Yasube-san. ☀️
I see you went to the brewery: ❣️
It's nice to be able to sample and buy recommended sake at the brewery 😊♪ I'd like to taste the Akaban Omachi from Joyo that Yasubeyesan was drinking with a Nosaku sake cup 😋!
Hi, Tsubu 😃
You've got a lot of saké ✅ to learn 😄.
This bottle has an austere look and feel to it! It has an atmosphere that makes me want to drink it heated 🍶 somehow 😚.
Hi Dora 🐦.
Dora, you also check out Kyoto's sake 😳great job 😆👍I thought I could drink at any time, but I don't drink at home 😂I have to drink if I'm going to check out the Tsubu family💦.
Good evening Jay & Nobby😊.
Yes, you've been looking at it longer than I have ❓🤔
What made you decide to buy this austere looking bottle? I asked him what made him decide to buy it, and he said he was curious about it after seeing the sake wa 😙I should have tried heating it up!
Good evening, Pon 😊.
I guess there was something about Dora that attracted you 🤔😆♪ I'm glad you can have a drink that you would never have found yourself 😙🙌I guess you can have a drink anytime you want 😁Take this as an opportunity to drink at home!