SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
十六代九郎右衛門山廃純米 美山錦13 生原酒
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Nice to meet you Kuroemon XVI. Last month? Last month? I bought it at Saito-san. I was very curious about the colorful and gorgeous label and the taste 😁. I'm opening it because my fridge is full. When I open the cork, pssh, it doesn't say. Pouring it into a glass, the aroma is slightly sweet and sour. In the mouth, it is quite sweet, but soon a refreshing light sourness. It is not spicy and you can easily drink it without hesitation 😃. At first, there is an aftertaste of alcohol, but it doesn't bother me much 🙆It can be drunk alone. On the weekend, I accompanied my wife to Yamagata.... I was not just a driver, so I visited sake breweries and liquor stores to stock up on sake ✨. If I had more time, I would have taken my time and looked around 😂.
Hello Yasusake 😃 Kuroemon XVI! It's delicious 😋I haven't had it for a while 😅I'll drive to Yamagata 🚙and check out the liquor store 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! It was my first time drinking it and it was delicious 😋. I don't mind taking a long trip by car, but I took the Fukushima road to Yamagata too, just for the sake of it lol. I wish I could have visited more sake breweries since I went through Aizu too 😂.
Good morning, Yasusake-san: ☀️ I'm glad you went to La Jomon 🚙I'd love to visit there someday 😌.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! I love visiting sake breweries, don't you? I went to La Jomon, I was forced by my schedule to go there 🙌The owner is a very tasteful person and I enjoyed talking with him and bought his recommendation! I will go back next time👍.