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From Ishii Shuzo in Satte City, Saitama Prefecture, comes the second of the two Toyoake sake, Toyoake Junmai Ginjo-Ginjo Genshu. This is the gold medal winning sake of the 2023 IWC (International Wine Challenge) 🎖️ The IWC, held every year in London, is an award that has attracted a lot of attention since the SAKE category was established in 2007, with the winning sake gaining attention and gaining a foothold in the international market. For the 2023 IWC, 1,601 brands were entered and 98 were awarded gold medals. 🎖️ The appearance is crystal with a golden hue. When the temperature is low, the aroma is of spices with a sour koji aroma and a volatile feeling of alcohol typical of sake derived from nama sake. As the temperature approaches room temperature, a sweet fruity ginjo aroma emerges. The taste is mainly umami with a touch of acidity, and the acidity spreads and finishes with a slightly stimulating sensation that is typical of nama sake. The lingering finish is medium with a light astringency on the tongue. The IWC tasting comments were, Lovely, elegant plum, melon, and citrus aromas on the nose with a hint of citrus on the upper nose. The finish is fresh and appetizing" (Aladdin translation). It was a refreshing food wine: ☺️ Thanks for the treat 🍶.
Rafa papa
Hi Aladdin 😃 I visited Chuin yesterday 😆 nice and simple store 🥰Toyoake was also a delicious drink like Hanayo 😋 I was happy to drink Jyushidai too 😌.
Rafa papa, good evening😄I'm sorry I couldn't join you, but I'm glad you liked chuin 🥰It's a good place for a simple style of drinking and talking about drinks 🍶☺️
Good morning, Aladdin🌞. Ishii Sake Brewery is a brand I would like to try if I could come across it since I used to do YOUTUVE, but I have never seen it even in Tokyo. It's a sake like HANA-YOUVE 😘.
3KAN4ON, good morning 😄I unfortunately have never had Hana-yoso 😅Toyoake's version of this sake was in a different direction, so I can't say for sure, but the G East one was extremely tasty! The brewery still has some in stock, so please do! I'm sure you'll love it 🍶.