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Goninmusume発芽玄米酒 むすひ発泡
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阪堺電車 車内
Off-line meeting of "SAKEWA KANSAI_HANKAI TRAIN charter" held on 2023.8.26. This is the first break. The 14th one of my check-in. Orchid sake provided by sake-run. Musuhi" is a germinated brown rice sake from Terada Honke in Chiba Prefecture! Threatening 100% polished rice 😳. It is not polished at all, so it might be more correct to call it 0% polished rice. It is a fermented food made from unpolished germinated brown rice brewed by the power of microorganisms in the brewery. Maybe because it's not strained, it's not even exactly sake (seishu) since it's classified as "other brewed sake" 😅. Naturally, it is not fire-aged and is constantly fermenting in the bottle, so beware of explosions: ⚠️ At the offline meeting, Nemuchi-san, the bottle-opening meister, carefully and safely opened the bottle in more than 10 minutes 😁. The appearance is a sloppy creamy brown germinated brown rice juice that fizzes vigorously! The aroma is a refreshing brine ☺️ When I drank it, it had a sludgy, viscous texture with a healthy gasiness and a rice grain feel that also remained. The first attack of strong acidity, which is not expected when drinking sake 😆. The sweetness and umami complexity of the rice is all mixed in there, and it was truly a drink that gave me the nourishment of nature. Thank you sake-run for this valuable experience 😊. Thanks for the treat 🍶.
The fourth photo is of the famous sake that I was not able to review in detail. I only remember that they were all extremely delicious 😊I really had too much fun & drank too much, thank you all 🍶🥰.
Good evening, Mr. Aladdin 🌛. I'm glad you are satisfied! My peers call me an old man lol. The Aladdin's birthplace was also very tasty 😋. We look forward to working with you in the future 🙏🙏.
Good morning Mr. Ofuji😃 I didn't know Ofuji-san was an old man... people your age don't know true old men like us 🤣. I'm glad you liked the birthplace too ☺️ Thank you for your time here!
What a surprise! I didn't expect Aladdin-san to do the same for me! (Thank you so much!) But you came up with "sprouted brown rice soup"! Your choice is indeed excellent. Thank you very much for your kindness 😌.
Thank you, sake-run 😊I was able to feel a part of the essence of orchid sake with my five senses! I think low-polished sake itself is a trend, so I would like to pursue low-polished sake in a different direction from orchid sake 😁🍶.