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Brands from 丹山酒造


7 Yokochō, Kameoka, Kyoto
map of 丹山酒造
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I found a four-pack bottle that I had never seen before at Noe-no-Ye! It was in the back of the cold storage! I was ready to give it a try! There were only a few bottles left, so I put them all in a glass! The color, as you can see! The aroma is quite strong! The taste was not my favorite, but I finished it slowly and savor it slowly! It was a challenge that I could take on because it was an all-you-can-drink event! It was a great experience for me! But this sake is introduced as a luxurious dry sake with authentic flavor, for which we were allowed to use the label to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the Rimpa school. So it is a commemorative sake. extensive knowledge of the Rimpa school Ingredient rice: Yamadanishiki (in-house cultivated rice) Polishing ratio 60 Alcohol 17 %. Acidity 1.4

Brands from 丹山酒造