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1 check-in


sake nova純米大吟醸袋吊り
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The price is 27,500 yen, the rice polishing ratio is 7%, and the specs and price are perfect. I had a chance to buy it. I was thinking of drinking it with everyone over the New Year's holidays, but I ended up enjoying it by myself (laugh). First of all, the aroma is amazing. Even cold sake has a sweet aroma that wafts out of the glass. I didn't detect any alcohol or rice aroma from the aroma, so it didn't smell like sake. But it smells good. The taste is not as sweet as the aroma, but rather more refreshing. There is no sense of alcohol when you drink it. You can feel a little bit of alcohol in your throat. It has a nice sharpness and is easy to drink with a clean aftertaste. It is a speckled ghost, and I think it is impeccable. I personally prefer nuts, salami, cheese, cured ham, dry foods, and snacks to seafood or strong-flavored snacks. I won't be drinking it many times a year, so I'll have to write it down in detail so I can remember what it tastes like if I ever get the chance to buy it again (LOL).

Brands from Raifuku Shuzo
