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SAKE HUNDRED TEN RAIN Clear and colorless Very concentrated aroma of sweet tropical fruits. The aroma is of fresh rice powder and highly polished rice. The attack has a hint of sweetness and bitterness. The bitterness is grippy and firm, but does not persist for long, and then it converges. There is a slight acidity, and despite the richness of the aroma, there is little looseness in the texture. Sakehandled raw cuvee. Well balanced and high scoring rather than showing any outstanding personality. The aroma is clear and sweet with no hint of ageing, yet the concentration is like that of a Kalichal, which is a result of the technique. The quality of the wine is extremely easy to understand, and the effort to increase the price is evident. I felt that this was a very good concept for an entry-level sake that would help high-income earners and tourists to avoid getting stuck before enjoying the complexity of sake. On the other hand, I imagine that it is the opposite of the so-called "aged Grand Vin", which is a drink of great taste, and is targeted at a very narrow demographic.

Brands from Oujiman