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1 check-in


奥出雲前綿屋(田部竹下酒造) Check-in 1奥出雲前綿屋(田部竹下酒造) Check-in 2
At a festival in Inuyama City, Aichi Prefecture, it was sold at a sake tavern and I was curious about the test brew label, so I tried it. It was a delicious sake with a good balance of juicy, fruity sweetness, umami, and acidity, and it was beautifully crisp and clean. This sake shop is the birthplace of Prime Minister Takeshita, and last year the Tabe family, a local business family, inherited the production facilities and started making sake. The sake was a test brew with different yeasts, and this time it was sake made with yeast 1001. I would like to try sake with other yeasts. I am interested in the future of sake brewing at this brewery. Alcohol 15%. Polishing: Koji rice 50%. Kake rice 60 Rice used: Yamadanishiki. Shunyo
