SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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愛媛県の地酒 蔵元屋
Today's runner-up is a brewery in Dogo-Kitamachi, Chuyo Matsuyama City. I remember drinking a cup of sake from this brand before. You can't read "Nikitatsu" at first sight, and you don't know what it means. But now it is convenient. I look it up on my cell phone while drinking. The land of Dogo, NIKITATSU, Manyo, King Nukata. Words I saw in history classes and textbooks. And the names of Matsuyama's natural monuments. Many titles for many things. The first sip of this sake had a strong acidity, but as you drink it, it becomes less bothersome as your palate adjusts to it. It goes down your throat nicely.