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Tenmei中取り零号 瑞穂黄金65 R5BY純米原酒生酒中取り無濾過おりがらみ
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酒舗 井上屋
December 2, 2023 Evening drink at home. I open a bottle of sake I bought a while ago. The first bottle is Tenmei Nakadori Zero. The aroma is mild. The aroma is mild, and there is a very faint piquancy. It has a fresh taste with a good balance of sweetness, umami, acidity, and bitterness. On the second day, it becomes a little mellower and the sweet element becomes more pronounced. The second day, it becomes a little rounder and the sweetness seems to be amplified. The second day, it becomes a little mellower, and the sweetness seems to be amplified. Sashimi of sesame mackerel, striped horse mackerel, and halibut Sashimi of sesame mackerel, striped horse mackerel, and flounder, and assorted tempura. I enjoyed it with sesame mackerel, striped horse mackerel, and flounder sashimi and tempura.
Good morning, abibuta! I was wondering "What is this?" I was wondering "What is this?" but you have prepared rare sashimi! (Amazing!) And sesame mackerel? I'm sure it is safe to eat it as sashimi at ........., but is it safe?
>>Salmon orchid Good morning ☀️ In Ehime, it is usually sold in supermarkets. I've never had anisakis in mackerels. I've never had an anisakis bite. I've never been hit by anisakis 😄No, maybe I'm just not aware of it even if I have 😅. Or maybe I'm just not aware of it 😅.