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Happy New Year! After installing the Sake-no-wa app, my knowledge of sake has increased and I am able to enjoy drinking sake more. Frosen Umakan I brought this as a gift to my father-in-law when I went to greet him at the beginning of the year. Specific name Junmai Alcohol percentage 15 Sake meter degree +3 Acidity 1.7 Amino acidity 1.6 Rice / Polishing ratio Mizukagami 77% from Shiga Prefecture (65% polished rice) Akebono 23% (65% polished rice) Yeast: Kura yeast Sake mother Yamahai The aroma has a sweetness like that of steamed sweet potatoes, with a gentle fragrance of nuts and grass. In the mouth, there is a mellow and soft attack of umami. The moist umami spreads, and the acidity extends into the latter half of the bottle. The acidity and pleasant bitter bitterness cut through the aftertaste and bring it to the finish. As the name suggests, we recommend heating it up to 50-55 degrees Celsius to enjoy its body-sucking flavor.
(Kawada research), Happy New Year 🎍. We look forward to working with you this year🙇.
(Kawada research), Happy New Year 🎍 and best wishes for the new year 🙇. This sake changes dramatically when it is heated 😊It is good to drink it slowly together!