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Tedorigawa純米にごり酒 白寿純米生酒にごり酒
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桜本商店 円山
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points (Wife 8.5 points) Rice : Ishikawa-mon Rice polishing ratio : 60 Alcohol content : 14% (undiluted) Sold at Maruyama Sakuramoto Shoten (Chuo-ku, Sapporo) Shoe when opened x 8 times It has a strong gaseous taste. The sweetness of the rice malt tops it off. It has a fruity aroma like melon mixed with the top-fermented aroma, a full, fresh sweetness and rice flavor that spreads pichijuwatto with lactic acidity and a gaseous sensation similar to sparkling, and it is assertive, mildly bitter, and crisp. It is not too sweet, and the strong gassiness and bitterness make it a refreshing drink that goes well with meals and can also be enjoyed on its own. After the second day, the bitterness becomes less of an issue, which is a good sign. It went well with Beaver's ume flavored, wasabi-spiked Japanese pasta with pork, komatsuna and mushrooms.
Hi Masaaki Sapporo 😃 This is one of the bottles that WOM has listed and I would like to drink! Beaver is delicious 🤗 and I just realized I missed the 203CI⁉️ aper 😩Kiri number celebration 😓Congratulations 🎉!
Masaaki Sapporo
Thank you Jay & Nobby 👍I was concerned about the bitterness on the first day, but I'm looking forward to the second day and beyond ✨I felt the beaver was more suited to the seafood flavor than the plum 😋.